Random photos

In an effort to share some photos from past trips, visits with friends and the like, I've decided to just post a a mish-mash of photos that really don't go together at all. Now that my husband's blog is such a big hit, I have to do something to keep people looking at mine! And since photos is really the only thing I've got, I thought I'd better throw a bunch up here.
Perhaps one day the photos on here will be even better, thanks to some private instruction I'm currently receiving from a photographer friend of my boss. This guy teaches digital photography at Ryerson University. I had my first lesson today. We went donwtown and just shot whatever. It was interesting - lots to learn though. I have my boss' fancy-schmancy camera for the weekend, so I'm going to play around with it and see what I can do. Maybe soon I won't just win awards for my writing, but for my photography too! (Read: shameless bragging).
Anyway, the only other newsy update I can think to tell everyone about -- although I think most of you already know this -- is that I'll be going to Florida at the end of the month for a conference and awards night, thenI'm back home for about a week and then off to Winnipeg, Kenora and Saskatoon for another conference and awards night, and then to research a story I'm going to be working on about native ministries and the church. I hope it goes well.
That's about it.
I hope you all have a safe and blessed Easter!
P.S. I guess I should briefly describe the photos: at the top are my friend Sara's super-cute kids, Sierra and Ethan, and that's Sara next to them. Next row is my friend Kristy. These 4 were taken last summer when I was out in Alberta for work. The next one is Justine, at her wedding (obviously) last May. After that is me, Joe, Marge and Joe S. in Ottawa, skating on the Rideau Canal this winter. Next is Joseph at my cousin's wedding in 2004. And after that is the MacLachlan boys - Brother Greg, Dad Bob, Joe and Brother Andrew. This was taken at my parents' place 2 Christmases ago. I could post more, but I'm sick of blogging for the night, so you'll just have to wait for more!
Just wanted to say that you've got some really amazing pictures. What kind of camera did you use to take these with? I would love to buy the Canon Digital Rebel XT, or Nikon D70s, but I can't justify spending that much money on a Camera right now. Keep the pictures coming!
Hey amy, I'm now on your blog, with my kids...cool! Maybe we'll be famous if you get famous. Hey, when are you coming out this way? I shall always check your blog first and only after fully appreciating yours will I ever choose to go on to Joe's. No fear of losing face...however he is really funny so I fully support you keeping more pictures coming to make sure he doesn't overshadow!
Love ya, talk to you soon hopefully,
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