
A belated Happy New Year to all! My apologies for taking so long to update this blog. I simply haven't made the time to do it. The time leading up to the holidays was busy. Christmas was busy. After Christmas was busy. At least it keeps life interesting.
Despite this busyness, Joe and I have managed, for the last few Saturdays, to do our favourite thing: nothing! This is what we most love to do on Saturday. Sleep in. Get up late. Have a big breakfast. Read. Watch some TV or more recently, play a video game. Talk. Perhaps go back to bed. Have dinner (skip lunch because breakfast was so big). Go for walk at night if weather is good. Go to sleep for the night. Pretty great!
This one day of extreme laziness is perfectly modelled for us on a daily basis by our cute and oh-so-loveable rabbit, Casey. All he does is sleep and eat. He must think he's a cat. I've never had such a lazy rabbit. He sure is cute though! I've attached some photos to show just how cute he is (although they really don't do him justice).